How Ketamine Practitioners Feel About Spravato

Those considering ketamine therapy should know what options are available and the differences between them. In the year 2000 the first study was published demonstrating ketamines remarkable ability to very rapidly improve depression. Since then numerous studies have confirmed ketamines great superiority over the usual anti-depressant medications.

The ketamine used in those initial studies is what is known as racemic ketamine and the kind of ketamine that WellCentric Health provides our clients. In nature, many molecules, such as ketamine possess a quality known as chirality. The simple example of chirality would be a pair of gloves. Both gloves of a pair may look the same but you know that one will only fit the left hand and the other glove will only fit the right hand. Racemic ketamine has a left and a right molecule mixed together—also known as S-ketamine and R-ketamine.

In contrast to racemic ketamine, Spravato is only the left handed molecule, S-ketamine. S-ketamine (Spravato) does not work for depression as well as R-ketamine or the mixture of both. This has to do with how the molecules interact with the neuron receptors in the brain and the cascade of events that follow as a result of that interaction.

Prior to a drugs approval by the FDA it must undergo several study trials to demonstrate safety and efficacy. Spravato performed poorly in these trials such that many speculated it would fail the approval process, but the FDA Advisory Committee ultimately recommended approval, recognizing the need for new treatment options for patients with treatment resistant depression.

Early in our history of providing ketamine therapy we had a handful of clients that had undergone intranasal S-ketamine therapy with no discernible benefit. This experience, coupled with the FDA trials, helped us decide that we would provide only the most effective form of ketamine therapy and we have adhered to that model ever since.

Recently a publication, Ketamine Insights Weekly, anonymously polled its practitioner readers on how they felt about Spravato. The results are enlightening and may help you decide when considering your options for ketamine therapy. See their graphic below:
Ketamine Therapy in Reno, NV

Why Choose WellCentric Health?

Understanding the available options for ketamine therapy and their differences is crucial for making informed decisions. Since the first study in 2000, ketamine has shown a remarkable ability to rapidly improve depression, with numerous studies confirming its superiority over traditional antidepressants. At WellCentric Health, we provide racemic ketamine, which includes both R-ketamine and S-ketamine molecules. This form has proven more effective than S-ketamine alone, as seen in the underwhelming performance of Spravato in FDA trials and our own clients’ experiences.

The decision to offer only racemic ketamine at WellCentric Health was reinforced by both clinical evidence and real-world outcomes. Our commitment to using the most effective form of ketamine therapy ensures that our clients receive the best possible care. The recent survey by Ketamine Insights Weekly, which gathered practitioners’ opinions on Spravato, further highlights the importance of choosing the right form of ketamine for treatment.

As you consider ketamine therapy, it is essential to weigh these insights and choose a provider that offers a proven and effective treatment. WellCentric Health remains dedicated to providing the highest standard of care through our racemic ketamine therapy.