5 Benefits of Ketamine Infusion Therapy


Ketamine has been shown to be an effective treatment for depression and anxiety, with studies conducted at Yale and the National Institutes of Mental Health showing that a single low dose can improve symptoms within just a few hours. Ketamine can also help with moodiness, hopelessness, decreased concentration, low self-esteem, impaired sleep, decreased sexual [...]

5 Benefits of Ketamine Infusion Therapy2023-06-16T11:17:03-07:00

The Power of the Mind on Stress & Aging


A study by Oregon State University last year found that people’s perception of stress and aging play a role in their physical health.  You might be aware of the consequences of stress on your physical health; prolonged stress can worsen existing ailments as well as create new ones. Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, [...]

The Power of the Mind on Stress & Aging2023-06-16T11:17:04-07:00

Mental Health and Gut Health: The Link


Scientists sometimes refer to our gut as our second brain, and for good reason. Although it’s not capable of thought or reasoning like the one in our head (based on what we know so far) it’s composed of an entire network of neurons that control autonomic functions in our body like digestion and local [...]

Mental Health and Gut Health: The Link2023-06-16T11:17:04-07:00

Self-Care for an Extraordinary Life


Self-care is not frivolous; it’s absolutely essential to an incredible life. When you fill your cup first, you can give to others authentically and deeply. Working with a health coach helps to improve lifestyle outcomes. Coaches partner with and support new ways to approach daily life challenges. Making small daily changes to your routine [...]

Self-Care for an Extraordinary Life2023-06-16T11:17:05-07:00
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